

Birthday Suit

Illustrated by Jacqueline Davis Moranti

I recently read an article about the age when most women feel comfortable with their bodies, naked. Apparently women reach the age of appreciation, of their birthday suit at 34. Seems like a strange, random number but it makes sense because in our thirties is when most women reach a certain maturity level. The level of which self assurance is at it's all time high and those tumultuous decisions are nearly gone.
This article really enlightened me because women should feel comfortable with their bodies. Think about it, if you can't be happy about your body, how do you expect clothes to look good? Here at Burgundy Whispers, one of the most important things I keep pining about is confidence. Confidence truly is key, it helps you get through your day, your workout, your job, an interview, literally anything is yours to conquer! I can easily compare this to myself, as an artist. I've had plenty of ups and downs, probably more downs than I would like to remember. Being an artist is not easy, it's such an objective and sometimes biased career. In college, many "critiques" left me feeling majorly bummed out, but I just kept working on getting better, not just for my professor but for myself. It took me a long time to realize that I don't have to please everyone but as long as i was happy with what i've done and my progression, then that was all I needed. Translate that into feeling better about your nakedness because I don't know about you, but I don't want to wait until i'm 34 to feel better about it. Next time you walk by that full length mirror, hanging by your closet, stand there and look at yourself. It's not self absorbed, it's healthy! Dear readers, I'd love to hear your thoughts! 


  1. great article i enjoyed the illustrations and the post. made a lot of sense

  2. Thanks josh, glad you understand women! ;)

  3. Beautiful illustration! That's interesting that 34 is the magic number.

  4. Thanks chica! Yea, it strange, but im working towards making that number much lower for me! :)


Thanks for the sweet whispers! XO