

Confessions From a Former Vegetarian

(Old painting)Illustrated by Jacqueline Davis Moranti
Earlier in the year, I mentioned my vegetarianism and how I needed to maintain my vitamin and protein intake. Well a few months ago I decided to revert back to my carnivorous ways, eeeep! If you follow me via twitter or instagram, then you've probably noticed my fitness antics, I've started  taking my work outs more seriously and when you exercise a lot more, you develop a hunger like a raging coyote! As a vegetarian, I was never fully satiated, I was always going back for seconds while everyone else was past the digestion phase. I just accepted it, as a normal vegetarian thing. Grains and veggies alone couldn't completely satisfy my hunger, which in turn could cause injuries if I'm not getting the right nutrition.

Becoming a vegetarian was a lifestyle choice for me, it was during a time of self discovery and empowerment, aka my undergrad days. I wanted to eat healthier and feel healthier. I was essentially using organic products for my skin, I let my hair go natural, and I also eased up on my tomboy style! I've always been a fitness addict, thanks to years of playing soccer and track & field, it was in my blood. Factually, fitness has a way of making you feel energetic, yet no matter what I was doing as a vegetarian, I was still pretty tired. Since I've reintroduced poultry back into my life I've felt much better than I ever have before. The sky is brighter, my smile is wider, the grass is greener... that's seriously what it feels like! I also don't have to be given the side eye whenever I'm at a restaurant with friends. Giving up the gun herbivore life had to happen because I needed more proteins and vitamins that solely eating nuts and yogurt just couldn't supplement. I have also lost a lot more weight and gained more tone and definition by re-instituting this simple change. #Score

It was a long 5ish years, I learned a lot from it. One of the best things I've learned from being a former vegetarian was how to cook proper meals. Quinoa, squash, zucchini and mushrooms, oh my! Cooking helps me appreciate food more and it allows me to be more conscious of what I put into my body. Never looking back! 

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Thanks for the sweet whispers! XO