

Hair Naturalversary

Illustrated by Jacqueline Davis Moranti (circa 2010)
As days go by, we tend to forget what certain days, weeks and months have meant to us in the past. We get so caught up with our busy lives that sometimes a birthday or two gets lost in the conundrum of life. For me, it was an anniversary, my hair's naturalversary, the day I decided to cut it off and start over! *Warning, this post contains photos with bad fashion choices! 


Yes, I wasn't always flaunting this big bee's nest that you see before you today, there was actually a time when I altered my hair's innate texture to be boring and flat. At the time I liked it, but soon enough, I knew I needed a change and I did not want to deal with so much high maintenance. I'm such a low key type of gal, which is one of the many reasons why letting my hair be was perfect. 

(2008)                                                              (2010)

It has been 5 years and then some since i've gone au natural. I've always been ecstatic about having big hair, wearing it straight was not allowing for that chance. It's a pretty big deal, I feel like I've learned more about myself  as a natural than I ever have before. Every year is a new lesson learned. Never turning back! Dear readers, do you have an anniversary for something personal in your life? 


  1. Ooo i love seeing all these photos of baby Jacqui!! You are gorgeous as always. You CLEARLY never had an awkward phase.

  2. I love the color pairs in this outfit! That top looks great with your coat! Not to mention your boots are SO cute!


  3. Awww thanks! Trust there was totally an "awkward phase" with me!

  4. Thank you! I love experimenting and playing around with colors, Spring is totally the time to do it too!


Thanks for the sweet whispers! XO