

Holiday Fit

Illustrated by Jacqueline Davis Moranti
The second after Halloween is over, the holiday commercials begin to roll in, the decorations start to go up in your neighborhood and everyone suddenly has a bit more pep in their step. Yes, the holidays are officially here! There's so much to do in preparation, planning parties, baking, cooking, spending time with the family and friends, gift wrapping and this list can go on for miles! It's a beautiful time of the year but it can also be quite stressful if you let it overwhelm you. This is also a time where we tend to forget our healthy lifestyle, the busy schedule of holiday parties to attend takes over! Believe me, been there, done that, but lately I've been making great efforts into squeezing my workouts into my busy schedule to stay energized and healthy during this hectic time of the year!

1) Get on a regular sleeping schedule. Sounds like an obvious answer, but it's one that we definitely take for granted, myself included! Sleep helps to relax our minds and be ready for whatever the next day brings. It's also a big energy boost, which is quite helpful for those early morning workout routines. It's recommended to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. No more, no less for a fully functional day! 

2) Try fasted cardio routines. If you're not familiar with what fasted cardio is, it's when you perform a cardiovascular exercise routine on an empty stomach. This would be especially ideal on the mornings of a big holiday party or big dinner. Research suggests that subjects who performed fasted cardio burned 20% more than those who did not. 

3) Stay hydrated. I don't mean drink just anything, water will do the body good! Drinking plenty of water will help with your immunity and boost your metabolism. Another major plus, drinking the right amount of water before a meal can reduce your chances of overeating. Try thinking about it like this, for every pound that a person weighs 0.5- 1 ounce of water per day is what your intake should be. I keep it safe and drink a gallon a day! Drink more water and you'll quickly notice how much more satiated you are throughout the day.

4) Pack the proteins. Try eating more protein with your meals, this will ensure longer satiation and supply your body with healthy amino acids to help build, repair, and boost your muscles. Hunger is the fast track to overindulgence, stop it with proteins! Another trick is to eat a protein laden snack before a big meal

5) Be active. Encourage yourself to do more outdoor activities when ever possible. If that is out of the question because you're short on time, then try a workout at home. When working out at home, body weight training is optimal and easiest! As long as you have a good amount of space to perform the workout, you should be good to go. Some of my favorite at home exercises include alternating planks, resistant band pushups, wall sit, burpees, tricep dips, and mountain climbers. No need to have dumbbells because you could use an item at home for weights like a full gallon of water/ milk.

Don't forget to allow yourself to indulge this season. Everything in moderation keeps your mind happy and sane! You've waited all year long for your mother's pecan pie, go ahead and enjoy it. Make lasting memories, spend time with your loved ones, share laughs and love life. I hope these tips will help you stay committed to feeling healthy throughout the holiday season. Life is better when challenged, and this is one challenge I will always commit to! Dear readers, I'd love to hear about your plan to get or stay healthy during the holidays!

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